Skin Cancer Photos
Basal cell carcinoma, left lower eyelid

Melanoma, left lower eyelid

Squamous cell carcinoma, right lower eyelid

Basal cell carcinoma, right lower eyelid

All photos are property of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeons of Texas. Our doctors are highly skilled surgeons; however, individual results depend on various factors including overall patient health and are not guaranteed.
We try our best to stay on schedule to minimize your wait time.
Our office has recently partnered with Phreesia to help you save time registering for your appointment.
We greatly appreciate patient referrals and value our referring doctors. The document below can facilitate the referral process.
Phone: Houston Office Phone Number (713) 953-9932 Fax: (713) 953-0380 7500 San Felipe St, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77063
Our mission is to provide superb patient care by utilizing the most elegant and innovative techniques in cosmetic surgery and reconstruction of the delicate tissues of the eyelids and upper face. We strive to exceed patient expectations and maintain the highest ethical, technical, and professional standards.